Here are some of the key principles I go over with all my athletes when we get to their off season. I don’t get into great detail here but you will see. The shift in “training” mind set. Addressing loose ends. A focus on rest, fun, and athlete control over their sch.
Focus on recovery. don’t “feel like” training. don’t. to cloudy, windy or chilly for you to ride, do a run instead.
Duration is your choice on the day. This is a standard concept I talk about with every athlete. Duration is not the key factor. Now is a great time to reestablish this with no other agenda or pressing timeline.
Go see the PT. Even if you are 100% niggle free this is the time to get a full movement assessment done. Head off an injury before it even happens. a good Str. coach may be able to do this too.
This may lead to starting a Str. program, revamping your current one, etc. With more free time in your sch. it’s a great time to get this solidified into your routine.
Training should be fun but still in more of a maintenance mode. ie. mostly easy training that doesn’t tax your systems to much.
Cross training! what does that even mean? there will be lots of talk on this one. If it’s going to benefit you 1. you can not get injured. 2 you need to do it consistently.
As the “Off Season” progresses you will start to work on areas of weakness and refining skills that key to your goals in priority races.